High Speed Internet Access

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Motocross Madness 2

CPU Type: Pentium II
CPU Speed in MHz: 300 MHz (without 3D acceleration), 233 MHz (with 8MB accelerator card)
Hard Drive Space: 189MB
Sound Card: DirectSound compatible 3D sound board to hear 3D audio
CD Drive Speed: 4X
Video Card: Direct3D accelerator card with PII 233 MHz
Video RAM in MB: 8MB
Graphics Type: SVGA
Color Depth: 256
Graphics Resolution(s): 640 x 480, 800 x 600
Compatible Devices: mouse, keyboard, joystick/gamepad
Software (DirectX 5.0, etc.): DirectX 7.0 or higher
Graphic Accelerators Supported: 3dfx Velocity 100, 3dfx Voodoo2, 3dfx Voodoo3 2000, 3dfx Voodoo3 3000, Dlabs Oxygen VX1, Accell Graphicstar2 (Permedia2 chipset), ATI All-In-Wonder Pro PCI, ATI 3D Rage Pro, AMD K6-2 multimedia computer and ATI 3D Rage 128 GL AGP, Creative Labs Annihilator Pro DDR G-Force, Creative Labs Graphics Blaster RIVA TNT, Creative Labs 3D Blaster RIVA TNT2 Ultra, Creative Labs 3D Blaster Savage4, Diamond Stealth III S540, Diamond Viper V770 AGP, Diamond Viper II Z200, Guillemot Maxi Gamer Xentor 32 TNT2, Guillemot Maxi Gamer Phoenix 2 AGP, Hercules Power Drive Terminator Beast, Intel 740, Intel 810, Matrox Millennium II, Matrox Millennium G200, Matrox Millennium G400, Number Nine SR9 S3 Savage 4, Nvidia GeForce 256, Real3D Starfighter, S3 Trio 3D GX/2, SiS 6326 AGP, STB Velocity 4400
Modem Speed: 28.8 Kbps


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